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New Year a New Attempt to Get Organized

Two new pages, this year, feature vlog channel updates: The Faerie Project and Art Journal.  Art Journal paint alongs were something I established in 2014, and now will have showing on a regular basis, each month, here, a featured art video. 

Here is what you can expect to see each month:

  • 5th - Refashion Passion: recycle, upcycle, recreate
  • 8th - Art Journal: watercolor, pen, and ink art journal entry
  • 14th - The Faerie Project: imaginative faerie realm paper-craft projects
  • 20th - Kara Skye Fabric Shop: pillows, wildlife quilts, mixed media art
  • 28th - The Faerie Project: a part-two, faerie project video

For more information - and a rockin' reading list to get your creative juices flowing - with all sorts of magical inspiration - see the Faerie Wood Project Page. Check this page for videos and links starting January 2015.  For easier access to videos the minute they are posted, be sure to subscribe!!